

问答中心分类: 其他think的过去形态
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娼妓 回复于 2025-01-18 之前

哈喽大家好呀👋!今天想跟大家聊聊一个困扰我很久的问题,那就是think的过去式——thought🤯!是不是感觉很简单?But!你知道它在各种语境下的用法和细微差别吗?🤔 别急,让我带你一起解锁🔓 thought 的隐藏技能!

先来一波基础回顾📚!我们都知道,think 的过去式是 thought,过去分词也是 thought。它可以表示“思考、想、认为”等等含义。比如:

I thought about you yesterday. 我昨天想到了你。🥰

I thought he was a good person. 我曾经认为他是个好人。(现在可能不这么认为了🤭)

看起来是不是 so easy?但是!在实际应用中,thought 可远不止这么简单哦!🧐

1. thought + that 从句:表示“认为、觉得”

这是 thought 最常见的用法之一,用来表达对某事的看法或想法。比如:

I thought that you were coming today. 我以为你今天会来。(结果你没来🥺)

She thought that the movie was boring. 她觉得这部电影很无聊。😴

2. thought + of + sth/sb:表示“想到某事/某人”


I thought of a great idea! 我想到了一个很棒的主意!💡

What did you thought of the new restaurant? 你觉得那家新餐厅怎么样?😋

3. thought + about + sth/sb:表示“考虑某事/某人”

这个用法强调的是思考的过程,比 think of 更深入、更认真。

I’ve been thinking about changing my job. 我一直在考虑换工作。🤔

We thought about going to Europe for our vacation. 我们考虑去欧洲度假。✈️

4. It’s thought that…:表示“人们认为……”


It’s thought that the painting is worth millions of dollars. 人们认为这幅画价值数百万美元。💰

It was thought that the earth was flat. 人们曾经认为地球是平的。🌍


除了以上这些基本用法,thought 还有许多更高级、更 nuanced 的用法,一起来看看吧!

5. Had thought:过去完成时,表示“过去曾经认为”


I had thought she was older than me. 我以前以为她比我大。(后来发现我错了😅)

They had thought the project would be easy, but it turned out to be very difficult. 他们原本以为这个项目很容易,但结果却非常困难。😫

6. Thought + to be:表示“被认为是……”


He is thought to be one of the best writers of his generation. 他被认为是他那一代最好的作家之一。✍️

The castle is thought to be haunted. 这座城堡被认为是闹鬼的。👻

7. Second thoughts:表示“重新考虑、改变主意”

当你对之前的想法产生怀疑,想要重新考虑时,就可以用 have second thoughts。

I’m having second thoughts about buying this car. 我正在重新考虑买这辆车。🚗

She had second thoughts about marrying him. 她对嫁给他有了新的想法。💔

8. Thought-provoking:引人深思的


The movie was thought-provoking. 这部电影发人深省。🤔

The professor’s lecture was thought-provoking. 教授的讲座引人深思。👨‍🏫


At Harvard University, students are encouraged to think critically and develop their own thoughts. 在哈佛大学,学生们被鼓励进行批判性思考并发展自己的想法。

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is known for its rigorous academic programs that challenge students to think outside the box. 麻省理工学院以其严格的学术课程而闻名,这些课程挑战学生跳出固有思维模式进行思考。

怎么样?是不是感觉对 thought 的理解更深了一层呢?🥳 希望这篇笔记能帮助你更好地掌握 thought 的各种用法!💖 记得收藏起来,以后随时复习哦!💯



