

问答中心分类: 其他howmany是什么意思
1 回复
yueyou 回复于 2025-02-07 之前

今天来聊聊英语学习中让人头大的一个点——how many 到底怎么用?!🤔 别担心,看完这篇保姆级教程,保证你对 how many 的用法了如指掌!💯 以后再也不用担心用错啦!🎉
一、灵魂拷问:How many 究竟是什么意思?
简单粗暴地讲,how many 就是用来问“多少个”的! 记住,一定是问可数名词的数量!划重点,可数名词! 🍎🍊🍌 像苹果、橘子、香蕉这些可以一个个掰着手指头数的,就是可数名词啦!

  • How many apples are there in the basket? (篮子里有多少个苹果?)
  • How many students are in the classroom? (教室里有多少个学生?)
  • How many books did you read last month? (你上个月读了多少本书?)

看到没?how many 后面永远跟着一个可数名词的复数形式!千万别忘了“s”哦!
二、进阶用法:How many 的花式提问!
除了直接问数量,how many 还能玩出很多花样! 😎

  1. How many + 名词 + 助动词 + 主语 + 动词…?

    • How many days are there in a week? (一周有多少天?)
    • How many times did you go to the gym last week? (你上周去了几次健身房?)
    • How many pieces of cake did you eat? (你吃了多少块蛋糕?)🍰
  2. How many of + the/these/those/your/my/his/her/its/their + 名词复数…?

    • How many of the students in your class passed the exam? (你们班有多少学生通过了考试?)
    • How many of these apples are ripe? (这些苹果中有多少个是熟的?)
    • How many of your friends are coming to the party? (你的朋友中有多少人要来参加派对?)🥳
  3. How many + 时间/距离/重量/容量 单位…?

    • How many hours did you sleep last night? (你昨晚睡了几个小时?) 😴
    • How many kilometers is it from Shanghai to Beijing?(从上海到北京有多少公里?)
    • How many grams of sugar do you need for this recipe? (这个食谱需要多少克糖?) 🍬
    • How many liters of water can this bottle hold? (这个瓶子能装多少升水?)

场景一:在图书馆 📚
A: Excuse me, do you know how many computers are available in the library? (打扰一下,你知道图书馆里有多少台电脑可用吗?)
B: Let me check… There are about 10 computers available on the second floor. (我查一下……二楼大约有10台电脑可用。)
场景二:在水果店 🍉
A: I want to buy some oranges. How many oranges can I get for 10 yuan? (我想买些橘子。10元钱能买多少个橘子?)
B: You can get about 5 oranges for 10 yuan. (10元钱大概可以买5个橘子。)
场景三:在学校 🏫
A: Hi, I’m new here. Do you know how many students are there in Binhai High School? (你好,我是新来的。你知道滨海中学有多少学生吗?)
B: I think there are about 2,000 students in Binhai High School. (我想滨海中学大约有2000名学生。)
A: We’re planning a trip to Sanya. How many days should we spend there? (我们正在计划去三亚旅行。我们应该在那里呆多少天?)
B: I recommend spending at least 4 days in Sanya to fully enjoy the beaches and attractions. (我建议在三亚至少呆4天,才能充分体验海滩和景点。)
场景五:在咖啡店 ☕
A: I’d like a latte, please. How many shots of espresso do you put in a large latte? (我想要一杯拿铁。你们大杯拿铁里放几份浓缩咖啡?)
B: We put two shots of espresso in a large latte. (我们大杯拿铁里放两份浓缩咖啡。)
四、避坑指南:常见错误 & 注意事项!

  1. 千万不要把 how many 和 how much 混淆! how much 是用来问不可数名词的数量或者价格的!比如:How much water do you drink every day? (你每天喝多少水?) How much is this dress? (这条裙子多少钱?) 💦💰
  2. how many 后面跟的名词一定要用复数形式!除非是单复数同形的名词,比如 sheep (绵羊), deer (鹿), fish (鱼)。
  3. 记住,how many 问的是数量,而不是程度! 如果要问程度,要用 how + 形容词/副词。比如:How tall are you? (你有多高?) How fast can you run? (你能跑多快?)
  4. 口语中, 回答”how many”的问题,可以直接说数字, 也可以用a few (几个), several (几个), a lot of / lots of(许多)等词语进行模糊回答。


  1. 请用 how many 提问:你包里有多少本书?
  2. 请用 how many 提问:这个周末你有多少场考试?
  3. 请用 how many 提问:从你的家到清华大学有多远(公里数)?
  4. 请用how many提问:光明小学有多少个老师?
  5. 请用 how many of… 提问:你买的这些草莓中有多少个是坏的?🍓


  1. How many books are there in your bag?
  2. How many exams do you have this weekend?
  3. How many kilometers is it from your home to Tsinghua University?
  4. How many teachers are in Guangming Primary School?
  5. How many of these strawberries you bought are bad?

怎么样?是不是感觉对 how many 的用法更清晰了呢?希望这篇帖子能帮助到你! 如果你还有其他关于英语学习的问题,欢迎在评论区留言哦!我会尽力解答的!😊 加油!💪



