✨黑色🖤の终极英语表达宝典! 从基础到进阶,各种场合都hold住!✨
哈喽大家好呀!👋 今天咱们来聊聊“黑色”这个颜色在英语里的各种说法!可别小看它,除了最基本的 black,还有超级多有趣又实用的表达呢!😉 这篇笔记📒,让你彻底告别只会说 black 的尴尬,成为朋友圈里最靓的英语达人!😎
Part 1: 基础入门篇 – Black 的N种用法
🖤 Black [blæk]:这是最常见、最基础的黑色,适用于各种场合。
She is wearing a black dress. 她穿着一件黑色的连衣裙。👗
I have a black cat. 我有一只黑猫。🐈⬛
The sky is black with clouds. 天空乌云密布。☁️
🖤 Jet black [ˌdʒet ˈblæk]: 乌黑发亮的黑色,像煤玉一样。
Her hair is jet black. 她的头发乌黑发亮。✨
He has jet black eyes. 他有一双乌黑发亮的眼睛。👁️🗨️
🖤 Pitch black [ˌpɪtʃ ˈblæk]: 漆黑一片,伸手不见五指的黑。
It was pitch black outside. 外面漆黑一片。🌃
The room was pitch black before I turned on the light. 在我开灯之前,房间里一片漆黑。💡
🖤 Ink black [ˈɪŋk blæk]: 像墨水一样浓重的黑色。
The night sky was ink black. 夜空如墨般漆黑。🌌
He drew a picture with ink black lines. 他用墨黑色的线条画了一幅画。✍️
Part 2: 进阶提升篇 – 各种“黑”的高级表达
🖤 Off-black [ˌɒf ˈblæk]: 偏黑色,不是纯正的黑色,有点发灰或发棕。
The shirt is not pure black, it’s more of an off-black color. 这件衬衫不是纯黑色的,更偏向于一种偏黑色。👕
She dyed her hair off-black. 她把头发染成了偏黑色。👩🦰
🖤 Charcoal [ˈtʃɑːrkoʊl]: 炭黑色,一种深灰色,接近黑色。
He was wearing a charcoal suit. 他穿着一套炭黑色的西装。🤵
I prefer charcoal to pure black. 我更喜欢炭黑色而不是纯黑色。🖍️
🖤 Ebony [ˈebəni]: 乌木黑,一种非常深邃、有光泽的黑色,常用来形容头发或眼睛。
She had long, ebony hair. 她有一头乌木般乌黑亮丽的长发。👩
His eyes were as dark as ebony. 他的眼睛像乌木一样黑。👁️
🖤 Raven [ˈreɪvn]: 渡鸦黑,一种带有光泽的深黑色,常用来形容头发。
She has raven hair. 她有一头渡鸦黑的秀发。💁♀️
The bird had raven feathers. 这只鸟有渡鸦黑色的羽毛。🪶
🖤 Onyx [ˈɑːnɪks]: 玛瑙黑,一种深邃、有光泽的黑色,常用来形容宝石或眼睛。
She wore an onyx ring. 她戴着一枚玛瑙戒指。💍
His eyes were like polished onyx. 他的眼睛像抛光的玛瑙一样。👀
🖤 Sable [ˈseɪbl]: 黑貂色,一种非常深、接近黑色的棕色,常用来形容动物的皮毛或昂贵的衣服。
She wore a luxurious sable coat. 她穿着一件奢华的黑貂皮大衣。🧥
The dog had a beautiful sable coat. 这只狗有一身漂亮的黑貂色皮毛。🐕
Part 3: 场景应用篇 – 不同语境下的“黑”
🖤 形容心情低落、沮丧:
Black mood: 情绪低落
I’m in a black mood today. 我今天心情很不好。😔
Black dog: 抑郁症(温斯顿·丘吉尔用这个词来形容他的抑郁症)
He’s been fighting the black dog for years. 他多年来一直在与抑郁症作斗争。😟
🖤 形容非法、不光彩:
Black market: 黑市
Goods were sold on the black market. 商品在黑市上出售。💰
Blackmail: 敲诈,勒索
He was accused of blackmail. 他被指控敲诈勒索。😠
Black sheep: 害群之马
He’s the black sheep of the family. 他是家里的害群之马。🐑
🖤 形容咖啡或茶:
Black coffee: 黑咖啡(不加奶或糖)
I prefer black coffee in the morning. 我早上喜欢喝黑咖啡。☕
Black tea: 红茶(在西方,红茶被称为 black tea)
Would you like a cup of black tea? 你想来一杯红茶吗?🍵(这里要注意,西方语境下红茶是Black tea)
🖤 在学校和职场:
Blackboard: 黑板 (现在很多学校已经使用白板 whiteboard 或者交互式白板 interactive whiteboard)
Black tie event: 正式的晚宴或活动(要求男士穿黑色领结礼服)
广州四季酒店经常举办各种 black tie events。
In the black: 盈利,有盈余(与 in the red 赤字,亏损 相对)
After a successful year, the company is finally in the black. 经过成功的一年,公司终于实现了盈利。📈
Black and white: 白纸黑字,明确的
It’s written in black and white in the contract. 合同里写得清清楚楚。📝
Part 4: 俚语和习语篇 – “黑”的趣味表达
🖤 Black out: 停电;昏厥
The whole city blacked out during the storm. 暴风雨期间,整个城市都停电了。⚡
She blacked out after hitting her head. 她撞到头后昏了过去。😵
🖤 Black ice: 黑冰(路面上薄薄的一层冰,难以察觉,非常危险)
Be careful driving, there might be black ice on the road. 开车小心,路上可能有黑冰。🧊
🖤 Black gold: 黑金(指石油)
Oil is often referred to as black gold. 石油通常被称为黑金。🛢️
🖤 Black look: 怒视, 恶狠狠的表情。
He gave me a black look when I arrived late. 我迟到的时候他狠狠地瞪了我一眼。😡
🖤 As black as thunder: (脸色)非常阴沉,表示非常愤怒。
Her face was as black as thunder when she found out. 她发现后脸色非常阴沉。⛈️
好啦!今天的“黑色”英语表达就分享到这里啦!🥳 希望这篇笔记📒能帮到大家!记住,学习英语是一个循序渐进的过程,多积累、多运用,你也能成为英语达人!💪 下次见咯!👋