

问答中心分类: 其他rise和raise的区别
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✨ 英语语法避坑指南 | Rise 和 Raise 用法大揭秘!📚

🤔️ 还在为 riseraise 的用法头疼吗?这两个词长得像,意思也相近,但用法却大有不同!今天就来彻底搞清楚它们的区别,让你的英语表达更上一层楼!🚀

Part 1:情景剧场 🎭

👩‍🏫 场景一: 在阳光明媚的清晨,小明看到太阳缓缓升起…

正确表达: The sun rises in the east. ☀️

错误表达: The sun raises in the east. ❌

👨‍🎓 场景二: 在希望中学的课堂上,李华举手提问…

正确表达: Lihua raised his hand to ask a question.🙋‍♂️

错误表达: Lihua rose his hand to ask a question.❌

Part 2: 深入剖析 🧐

🔑 核心区别:

Rise (v.) 是不及物动词,意思是“上升”、“升起”、“增长”。它强调的是主语自身的动作,不需要宾语。

Raise (v.) 是及物动词,意思是“举起”、“抬起”、“提高”、“筹集”。它强调的是对宾语施加的动作,需要宾语。

💡 更直观的理解:

Rise: 想象一个气球🎈,它自己慢慢飘起来,不需要外力。

Raise: 想象你用手🖐️举起一个重物📦,需要你主动施加力量。

Part 3:用法详解 📖

Rise (vi.)

1. 表示(太阳、月亮等)升起:

The moon rose late last night. 🌕

Watch the sun rise over the ocean.🌊

2. 表示(水位、温度、价格等)上涨、上升:

The price of gas has risen sharply.⛽

The temperature is expected to rise tomorrow.🌡️

The river rose rapidly after the heavy rain.🌧️

3. 表示(人)起床、起立:

She rose from her chair to greet me.🪑

He rose early to prepare for the exam. 📚 (在北美,更常用”get up”)

4. 表示(地位、职位)提升:

He rose through the ranks to become CEO.👨‍💼

She has risen to the top of her profession.👩‍⚕️

5. 表示(情绪、声音等)增强、高涨:

Her voice rose in anger.😠

Hope rose in their hearts.❤️

6. 表示(反抗、起义):

The people rose against the dictator.✊

Raise (vt.)

1. 表示举起、抬起:

Please raise your hand if you have a question. 🙋‍♀️

The crane raised the heavy container.🏗️

2. 表示提高、增加:

The company raised its prices.💲

We need to raise awareness of environmental issues. 🌍

The teacher encouraged us to raise our standards.💯

3. 表示筹集(资金):

The charity raised a lot of money for the victims.💰

We’re raising funds for a new library. 🏢

4. 表示养育、抚养:

She raised three children on her own.👩‍👧‍👦

My grandparents raised me after my parents died.👵👴 (在北美,更常用”bring up”)

5. 表示提出(问题、异议):

I want to raise a few concerns about the plan.🤔

He raised an objection to the proposal. 🙅

6. 表示种植、饲养:

Farmers in this region mainly raise cattle and sheep. 🐄🐑

My aunt raises organic vegetables in her garden. 🥕🍅

Part 4:小测试 & 巩固练习 💪

请用 riseraise 的正确形式填空:

1. The cost of living is constantly ______.

2. She ______ her eyebrows in surprise.

3. The audience ______ to their feet and applauded.

4. They are ______ money for a new school building at 育英中学.

5. He ______ early and went for a run.

6. Can you ______ the window a little? It’s stuffy in here.

7. Smoke ______ from the chimney.

8. The farmer ______ chickens and ducks.


1. rising

2. raised

3. rose

4. raising

5. rose (北美更常用 “got up”)

6. raise

7. rose

8. raises

Part 5:进阶用法 & 常见错误 ❌

“Rise to the occasion”: 这是一个固定短语,意思是“应付自如”、“出色应对(挑战)”。

Example: When the team leader got sick, Sarah rose to the occasion and led the project to success.

“Give rise to”: 意思是“引起”、“导致”。

Example: The heavy rain gave rise to severe flooding.

常见错误: 不要混淆 rise 的过去式 (rose) 和 raise 的过去式 (raised)。

Incorrect: The sun raised yesterday. ❌

Correct: The sun rose yesterday.✅

Incorrect: He rose his hand. ❌

Correct: He raised his hand.✅

Part 6:总结 & 记忆技巧 🎉

记住 rise 是“自己起来”,raise 是“把别人/东西抬起来”。

Rise 像太阳☀️一样,自己升起。

Raise 像举手🙋‍♀️一样,需要你主动去做。

通过以上的讲解和练习,相信你已经掌握了 riseraise 的区别!祝你在英语学习的道路上越走越远!💖 遇到任何问题, 欢迎提出! 👍



