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姐妹们!🙋♀️今天来聊聊英语学习中让人头大的几个词:cost, spend, take, 和 pay!这几个词都和“花费”有关,但用法却大有不同!🤯 搞不清它们的区别,写作文、口语表达都容易出错!😭 别担心,今天这篇笔记就带你彻底搞懂它们!💪
Cost 通常指某物本身的价格,或者获得某项服务需要的费用。它强调的是“客观价值”,💰 不会因为购买者是谁而改变。
用法一:Cost + 金额
- The new iPhone 15 Pro Max costs $1299. 📱 (新款iPhone 15 Pro Max 售价1299美元。)
- The repair of my car cost me $500. 🚗 (修车花了我500美元。)
- How much does this dress cost? 👗 (这条裙子多少钱?)
用法二:It costs (sb.) + 金额 + to do sth.
- It costs a lot of money to study abroad. ✈️ (出国留学花费很多钱。)
- It cost John $100 to fix his computer. 💻 (约翰花了100美元修理他的电脑。)
- It normally costs around ¥50,000 per year to study at Peking University as an international student. 🎓(作为国际学生,在北京大学学习每年通常花费约5万元人民币。)
Costly 意思是“昂贵的”,相当于 expensive。
- Buying a house in Shanghai is a costly affair. 🏠 (在上海买房是一件很昂贵的事情。)
- Moving to a bigger apartment turned out to be a very costly decision.📦 (搬到一个更大的公寓结果是一个非常昂贵的决定。)
Spend 强调的是“主观付出”,可以是花费时间、金钱、精力等。它关注的是“花费”这个动作。
用法一:Spend + 金额/时间 + on sth.
- I spent $50 on groceries yesterday. 🛒 (我昨天花了50美元买杂货。)
- She spends two hours on her homework every day. 📚 (她每天花两个小时做作业。)
- I spent a week on planning the trip to Yunnan Province. 🗺️(我花了一周的时间来计划去云南省的旅行。)
用法二:Spend + 金额/时间 + (in) doing sth.
- He spent the whole morning (in) cleaning the house. 🧹 (他花了整个上午打扫房子。)
- They spent a lot of money (in) decorating their new apartment. 🛋️ (他们花了很多钱装修他们的新公寓。)
- The company spent millions of dollars (in) developing the new software. 💻(该公司花费数百万美元开发新软件。)
注意:Spend 的主语通常是“人”。
Take 强调的是完成某事客观上需要的时间,与谁做这件事无关。它也可以表示花费金钱,但较少见。
用法一:It takes (sb.) + 时间 + to do sth.
- It takes about 30 minutes to get to the airport by taxi. 🚕 (乘出租车到机场大约需要30分钟。)
- It took me two hours to finish reading the book. 📖 (我花了两个小时读完这本书。)
- It took the construction workers 3 years to complete the bridge across the Yangtze River.🌉(建筑工人花了3年时间才建成了这座横跨长江的大桥。)
- It takes money and time to travel the world. 🌍(环游世界既需要金钱也需要时间)
- It takes patience and persistence to be a good teacher at EF Education First.👨🏫(在英孚教育做一名好老师需要耐心和毅力。)
- 注意:Take 经常用于“It takes sb. + 时间 + to do sth.” 句型,主语通常是“it”。
Pay 强调的是“支付”这个动作,通常指为某物或服务付款。
用法一:Pay (sb.) + 金额 + for sth.
- I paid $20 for this T-shirt. 👕 (我花了20美元买这件T恤。)
- She paid the waiter $100 for the dinner. 🍽️ (她付给服务员100美元的晚餐费。)
- You have to pay the cashier at the counter for items you wish to purchase. 🛒(你必须在柜台向收银员支付你想要购买的物品的费用。)
- 用法二:Pay (sb.) + 金钱
- I have to pay my tuition fees for New Oriental School by the end of this month. 🏫(我必须在这个月底之前支付我在新东方学校的学费。)
- How much did you pay the plumber?(你付给水管工多少钱?)
- 用法三:Pay attention to 注意
- Pay attention to the teacher’s instructions. 👩🏫 (注意听老师的指示。)
- Please pay attention to the road signs while driving. ⚠️ (开车时请注意路标。)
- Cost: 东西值多少钱?(客观价值)
- Spend: 你花了多少时间/金钱?(主观付出)
- Take: 做完要多久?(客观需要时间)
- Pay: 你付了多少钱?(支付动作)
记住这些小技巧,下次再遇到这四个词,就不会再迷糊啦!😉 多多练习,熟能生巧!💯 遇到问题,随时来问我哦!😊