

问答中心分类: 其他钥匙的英语怎么说
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北海 回复于 2025-02-24 之前

🔑Key🔑 啦!这么简单的单词,谁还不会呀?😉

但是!关于“钥匙”的英文,可不仅仅只有 key 这么简单哦!今天就来给大家深扒一下,保证让你对“钥匙”的认知,up up up!🚀🚀🚀

Scene 1: 日常生活中的“钥匙”

🔑 Key: 这是最最最常见的说法啦!泛指各种各样的钥匙,比如:

  • House key / Door key: 家门钥匙 🏠
  • Car key: 车钥匙 🚗
  • Office key: 办公室钥匙 🏢
  • Locker key: 储物柜钥匙 🔒
  • Safe key: 保险箱钥匙 💰


“Oops, I forgot my house key! 😫 Can you let me in?”

“Where did I put my car keys? 🤔 I’m late for my appointment at 圣玛丽美容院!”

🔑 Keychain / Keyring: 钥匙链/钥匙圈 🔗

“I have a cute little panda keychain.” 🐼

“My keyring is so full, it’s hard to find the right key!”

🔑 Key fob: (汽车等的)遥控钥匙/电子钥匙 🚘

“My new car has a key fob instead of a traditional key.”

“The key fob allows me to unlock the car doors remotely.”

🔑 Spare key / Duplicate key: 备用钥匙 🔑🔑

“It’s always a good idea to have a spare key in case you lose your main one.”

“I need to get a duplicate key made at 李记锁行.”

Scene 2: 特殊类型的“钥匙”

🔑 Skeleton key: 万能钥匙/老式钥匙 🗝️ (通常指那种比较古老、简单的钥匙)

“The old castle door was opened with a rusty skeleton key.”

“She found a beautiful antique skeleton key at the flea market.”

🔑 Master key: 总钥匙/主钥匙 (可以打开多个锁的钥匙)

“The hotel manager has a master key that can open all the rooms.”

阳光小学的校长有一把master key,可以打开学校里所有的门。”

🔑 Passkey: 通行证/密码 (引申义,可以指进入某个地方或系统的“钥匙”)

“The passkey to success is hard work and determination.” 💪

“Knowledge is the passkey to understanding.” 📚

🔑 Latchkey: 门闩钥匙 (特指那种给小孩自己开门用的钥匙,因为过去很多门是用门闩锁的)

Latchkey kids” refers to children who come home to an empty house after school.

🔑 Allen key / Hex key: 内六角扳手 🛠️ (虽然严格来说不是钥匙,但形状和功能有点类似)

“You’ll need an Allen key to assemble this furniture.”

“I bought a set of hex keys at 五金之家.”

Scene 3: “钥匙”的引申义

🔑 Key: 关键;要诀;秘诀;答案

“Communication is the key to a successful relationship.” ❤️

“The key to solving this problem is to think outside the box.” 💡

“He holds the key to the mystery.” 🕵️‍♀️

🔑 Key point: 要点;关键点

“The key point of his presentation was the importance of sustainability.” 🌱

“Let’s focus on the key points of the discussion.”

🔑 Keynote: 主旨演讲;基调演讲 (通常在会议或活动开始时发表)

“The CEO delivered the keynote address at the conference.” 🎤

“The keynote speaker at the 博雅论坛 was amazing!”

Scene 4: 与“钥匙”相关的短语和表达

🔑 Under lock and key: 严密保管;锁起来

“The valuable documents are kept under lock and key.”

“The secret recipe is kept under lock and key.”

🔑 Turn the key: 开启;启动 (比喻意义)

“Education can turn the key to a brighter future.”

“This discovery could turn the key to finding a cure for the disease.”

🔑 Hold the key to something: 掌握…的关键;对…有决定权

“She holds the key to his heart.” ❤️

“This research holds the key to understanding climate change.”

🔑 Throw away the key: 长期监禁;永远关起来 (通常是夸张的说法)

“They should just throw away the key on criminals like that!”

Scene 5: 一些有趣的补充

🔑 有没有想过,为什么有些钥匙上有锯齿状的凹槽? 🤔 这些凹槽被称为 bittings,它们与锁内部的弹子 (pins) 相对应,只有当所有弹子都被正确抬起时,锁才能打开。

🔑 你知道世界上最大的一把钥匙有多大吗? 😮 据吉尼斯世界纪录记载,最大的钥匙长达 10.02 米(32 英尺 10.5 英寸),由印度 Alpha Systems Pvt. Ltd. 于 2017 年制作。

🔑 在一些文化中,钥匙被视为权力、责任和开启新机会的象征。🔑✨

好啦,今天的“钥匙”英文小课堂就到这里啦!是不是感觉收获满满?🤩 以后再也不用只知道说“key”啦!快去和小伙伴们炫耀一下你的新知识吧!😎

记住,学习语言就像收集钥匙,每把钥匙都能打开一扇新的大门!🚪🌍 让我们一起加油,探索更多有趣的知识吧!💪💪💪



