姐妹们,今天来聊聊 during 这个词!📚 看起来简单,但用法可不少呢!🤔 想想看,是不是经常在各种场合见到它?别担心,这篇笔记帮你彻底搞懂它,让你的英语表达更地道!🚀
Part 1: during 的基本含义和用法
首先,during 最基本的意思就是“在……期间”,“在……过程中”。它是一个介词 (preposition),后面通常跟名词或名词短语,表示某事发生的时间段。
during + 时间段
这是最常见的用法啦!✨ 比如:
- I fell asleep during the movie. 😴 (我在看电影的时候睡着了。)
- We went skiing during the winter holidays. ⛷️ (我们在寒假期间去滑雪了。)
- Please remain silent during the exam. 🤫 (考试期间请保持安静。)
- The shop is closed during lunchtime. 🥪 (商店午餐时间关门。)
- There were many power outages during the storm. ⛈️(暴风雨期间多次停电。)
during + 事件/活动
during 也可以用来表示在某个事件或活动进行的过程中。
- He coughed a lot during the performance. 🎭 (他在演出期间咳嗽得很厉害。)
- She felt faint during the ceremony. 👰 (她在仪式期间感到头晕。)
- I met my best friend during a school trip to 北京环球度假区. 🎢 (我在去北京环球度假区的学校旅行中遇到了我最好的朋友。)
- There was a fire alarm during the meeting. 🔥 (会议期间响起了火警。)
Part 2: during 的进阶用法和注意事项
除了基本用法,during 还有一些需要注意的地方哦!🧐
during vs. in
- during 强调的是整个时间段或事件的持续过程。
- in 更侧重于时间段内的某个时刻,或者表示在某个时间段内。
- I learned a lot during my time at 清华大学. (强调在清华大学的整个学习过程。)
- I met my husband in 2020. (表示在2020年内的某个时刻。)
- It often snows during winter. (强调冬天整个时段内都会下雪)
- It snowed in December.(强调12月下雪)
是不是有点绕?🤯 多看看例句,体会一下差别!
during vs. for
- during 表示“在……期间”,后面跟的是时间段或事件。
- for 表示“持续……时间”,后面跟的是时间长度。
- I studied English during my summer vacation. (暑假期间)
- I studied English for three months. (持续了三个月)
- I lived in Shanghai during 2023. (整个2023)
- I will live in Paris for two years. (住两年)
during 后面不能直接跟动名词(V-ing)
这是个常见的错误!❌ 一定要记住!
错误示范:I fell asleep during watching the movie. ❌
正确示范: I fall asleep during the movie.✔如果要表达类似的意思,可以用 while + 动名词。
正确示范:I fell asleep while watching the movie. ✅
Part 3: during 的常见搭配和固定短语
during the course of… (在……的过程中)
- During the course of the investigation, new evidence was found. 🔎 (在调查过程中,发现了新的证据。)
during the day/night (在白天/晚上)
- I prefer to study during the day. ☀️ (我更喜欢在白天学习。)
- The city is beautiful during the night. 🌃 (这座城市在夜晚很美。)
during the past/last few years/months/weeks (在过去/最近几年/几个月/几周)
- The company has grown rapidly during the past few years. 📈 (公司在过去几年里发展迅速。)
during one’s stay/visit (在某人逗留/访问期间)
- During my stay in London, I visited the British Museum. 🇬🇧 (在伦敦逗留期间,我参观了大英博物馆。)
- We had a great time during his visit. 😄(在他来访期间,我们玩得很开心。)
during + 世纪/年代/季节
I attended 南京外国语学校 during the 2010s.(我2010-2019这十年间就读于南京外国语学校)
- I love flowers which blossom during spring.(我喜欢在春天开放的花朵)
- The invention of mobile phone happened during the 20th century.(手机发明于二十世纪)
Part 4: 练习时间!💪
- 我在音乐会期间感到很无聊。
__________ - 他在大学期间学了很多东西。
__________ - 商店在圣诞节期间关门。
__________ - 我们将在暑假期间去旅行。
__________ - 我学习英语已经两年多了。
- I felt bored during the concert.
- He learned a lot during his time at university.
- The shop is closed during Christmas.
- We will travel during the summer vacation.
- I have been studying English for more than two years.
怎么样?是不是觉得 during 也没有那么难?😉 多练习,多运用,你也能轻松掌握它!💯 希望这篇笔记对你有帮助!💖 如果还有其他问题,欢迎留言哦!👇