🍽️ Restaurant 英语大揭秘!干饭人必备技能!💯
还在为出国点餐而烦恼吗?😫 还在为看不懂英文菜单而尴尬吗?😩 别担心!这篇超全 Restaurant 英语攻略,让你秒变点餐达人!😎 从预约到买单,所有场景一网打尽!从此告别哑巴英语,自信开口,享受美食!🥳
一、预定篇 Reservation 📞
出国旅行,尤其是热门餐厅,提前预定是必须的!💪 掌握这些预定常用语,让你轻松搞定!
Do you have a table for two/three/… tonight/tomorrow? (今晚/明天 你们有 两人/三人/… 的桌位吗?)
I’d like to make a reservation for two at 7 p.m. tonight. (我想预定今晚7点,两人位的桌子。) ➡️ 超级常用!直接套用!
Is a reservation required? (需要预定吗?)
Do you have any tables available near the window/by the window? (你们有靠窗的桌位吗?) 🏞️ 想要景观位?就这么问!
We prefer a non-smoking area. (我们想要非吸烟区。)
What time do you close? (你们几点关门?) ⏰ 别错过营业时间哦!
My name is Li Hua, L.I. H.U.A.. The reservation is under Li Hua. (我的名字是李华,L.I. H.U.A. 预定是用李华的名字。) ➡️ 报名字拼写要清晰!
- 预定时尽量说明人数、时间、以及特殊需求 (例如:靠窗、非吸烟区、高脚椅 high chair 等)。
- 有些餐厅可能需要提供信用卡信息 (credit card information) 进行担保。
- 如果计划有变,记得提前取消预定 (cancel the reservation),这是基本礼仪哦!
二、点餐篇 Ordering 🧑🍳
终于坐下来啦!🎉 打开菜单,是不是有点眼花缭乱?😵💫 别慌!下面就教你如何优雅地点餐!
1. 开场白 & 询问推荐:
Could we see the menu, please? (请给我们看一下菜单。)
What do you recommend? / What’s your special today? (你们有什么推荐吗?/ 今天的特色菜是什么?) 🧐 想尝试当地特色?就这么问!
Could you tell me more about this dish? (您能介绍一下这道菜吗?)
Is this dish spicy? (这道菜辣吗?)🌶️ 怕辣星人必备!
Does this dish contain nuts/dairy/…? (这道菜含坚果/奶制品/…吗?) ⚠️ 有食物过敏 (food allergy) 一定要问清楚!
2. 点菜表达:
I’ll have the… / I’d like the… (我要点…) ➡️ 超级实用句型!
We’ll take two of the… (我们要两份…)
Could I have the steak, medium-rare, please? (请给我一份牛排,三分熟。)🥩 熟度表达要牢记:
- Rare: 一分熟
- Medium-rare: 三分熟
- Medium: 五分熟
- Medium-well: 七分熟
- Well-done: 全熟
Can I get this without onions/…? (这个可以不要洋葱/…吗?)
For starters/appetizers, we’ll have… (前菜/开胃菜我们要…)
For the main course, I’ll have… (主菜我要…)
And for dessert, we’ll take…(甜点我们要…)🍰
3. 饮品 & 酒水:
Could we see the drinks menu/wine list, please? (可以看一下酒水单吗?)
I’ll have a glass of water/sparkling water/tap water. (我要一杯水/气泡水/自来水。)
A bottle of red wine/white wine, please. (请来一瓶红酒/白葡萄酒。)🍷
What kind of beer do you have? (你们有什么种类的啤酒?)🍺
Two cups of coffee, please. One black and one with milk.(请来两杯咖啡。一杯黑咖啡,一杯加奶。)☕
- 如果不确定菜品的分量 (portion size),可以询问服务员。
- 点餐时保持礼貌,说 please 和 thank you。
- 如果对某个菜品感兴趣,可以大胆询问服务员,他们通常很乐意解答。
三、用餐中 During the Meal 🍽️
Excuse me! (打扰一下!) ➡️ 引起服务员注意的万能用语!
Could we have some more water/bread/napkins, please? (可以再给我们一些水/面包/餐巾纸吗?)
This is not what I ordered. (这不是我点的菜。)
Could you please heat this up a bit? (您能帮忙把这个加热一下吗?)
Everything is delicious! (一切都非常美味!) 👍 不要吝啬你的赞美!
The steak is overcooked/undercooked.(牛排太熟了/太生了.)
四、买单篇 Paying the Bill 🧾
Could we have the bill/check, please? (请买单。)
Do you accept credit cards/Visa/MasterCard/American Express? (你们接受信用卡/Visa卡/万事达卡/美国运通卡吗?) 💳
Can we pay separately? (我们可以分开付款吗?)
Is the service charge/tip included? (服务费/小费包含在内了吗?) 💰
Keep the change. (不用找零了。)
Can I have a receipt, please? (请给我一张收据。)
- 在一些国家,小费是必须支付的,通常是账单的10%-20%。
- 如果不确定是否需要支付小费,可以询问服务员。
- 付款时记得核对账单,确保没有错误。
五、进阶词汇 & 表达 🌟
Set menu/Prix fixe menu: 套餐 (通常包含前菜、主菜和甜点,价格固定)
A la carte: 单点
Buffet: 自助餐 🍱
All-you-can-eat: 无限量供应
Vegetarian: 素食主义者 🥦
Vegan: 纯素食主义者 🥬
Gluten-free: 无麸质 🌾
Organic: 有机的
Seasonal: 时令的
Locally sourced: 当地采购的
Homemade: 自制的
Chef’s special: 主厨推荐
Catch of the day: 当日特色海鲜 🐟
Side dish: 配菜
Dressing: (沙拉)酱汁
Rare, Medium, Well-done (牛排熟度)
Still water/Sparkling water (无气泡水/气泡水)
Tableware 餐具
- Fork: 叉子
- Knife: 刀
- Spoon: 勺子
- Chopsticks: 筷子🥢
- Plate: 盘子
- Bowl: 碗
- Glass: 玻璃杯
- Napkin: 餐巾
Culinary school: 烹饪学校 (例如:Le Cordon Bleu 蓝带国际学院,Johnson & Wales University 强生威尔士大学)
Michelin star: 米其林星级 🌟🌟🌟 (餐厅的最高荣誉!)
Sommelier: 侍酒师
六、真实场景模拟 Dialogue Practice 🗣️
场景一:在 The Cheesecake Factory (芝乐坊餐厅)
You: Excuse me, do you have a table for two?
Waiter: Yes, right this way. (带你到座位) Here are your menus. Can I get you something to drink while you look over the menu?
You: Yes, I’ll have a glass of sparkling water, and my friend will have a Coke.
Waiter: Sure. (过了一会儿) Are you ready to order?
You: Yes, I’d like the Avocado Eggrolls for an appetizer, and for my main course, I’ll have the Chicken Madeira.
Friend: I’ll have the Shepherd’s Pie.
Waiter: Excellent choices. I’ll be right back with your drinks. (用餐中…)
You: Excuse me, could we have the check, please?
Waiter: Certainly. (递上账单)
You: Thank you. Here you go. (刷卡/付现金)
场景二:在 Per Se (纽约米其林三星餐厅)
You: Good evening. We have a reservation for two under the name Li Hua.
Host: Good evening, Ms. Li. Welcome to Per Se. Please follow me. (带你到座位)
Waiter: Good evening. My name is David, and I’ll be your server tonight. Here is our tasting menu. Do you have any questions?
You: Yes, could you tell me more about the Oysters and Pearls?
Waiter: Absolutely. It’s our signature dish, featuring Island Creek Oysters and Sterling White Sturgeon Caviar. (详细介绍…)
You: That sounds amazing. We’ll take two of the tasting menus.
Waiter: Wonderful. And for your wine pairing, our sommelier will be with you shortly to discuss your preferences. (用餐中…)
You: Everything was exquisite. Thank you for a wonderful evening.
Waiter: My pleasure. Here is your bill.
(Per Se 通常会包含服务费, 可以询问)
You: Is the gratuity included?
Waiter: Yes, madam, the service charge has already included.
You: Great, thank you.(结账离开)
掌握这些Restaurant英语,无论是平价小馆还是米其林餐厅,你都能hold住全场!💪 快快收藏起来,下次出国旅行就用上吧!✈️ 祝大家用餐愉快! Bon appétit! 😋