✨ It is 强调句型大揭秘!轻松玩转英语语法!💯
🤔 还在为英语语法头疼吗?今天就来给大家彻底讲透一个超级实用又容易掌握的句型——强调句型!🚀 掌握了它,你的英语表达瞬间提升N个level!📈
It is + 被强调部分 + that/who/whom …
这个句型就像一个神奇的“🔦聚光灯”,可以把你想要强调的内容 高亮 显示出来!是不是很酷?😎
1️⃣ 强调主语
原句:Michael won the first prize in the English speech contest. (迈克尔在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。)
强调句:It was Michael who won the first prize in the English speech contest.
(正是迈克尔在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。)这里强调的是“迈克尔”,所以用 who 连接。
2️⃣ 强调宾语
原句:I met Tom at the library yesterday. (我昨天在图书馆遇到了汤姆。)
强调句:It was Tom whom I met at the library yesterday.
3️⃣ 强调状语 (时间、地点、方式、原因等)
原句:We held the party in the garden last night. (我们昨晚在花园里举行了派对。)
强调句:It was in the garden that we held the party last night.
(我们昨晚正是在花园里举行的派对。)原句: I went to the cinema because I was bored. (因为无聊,所以我去了电影院)
- 强调句: It was because I was bored that I went to the cinema.(正是因为无聊,我才去了电影院)
这里强调的是地点状语“in the garden”和原因状语”because I was bored”, 都用 that 连接。
4️⃣ 强调表语
- 原句: She is a talented musician. (她是一位才华横溢的音乐家)
- 强调句: It is a talented musician that she is. (她正是一位才华横溢的音乐家)
细心的你可能已经发现了,强调句型中连接词有 that, who, whom 三种,它们有什么区别呢?
that: 可以指人,也可以指物,是最通用的连接词,在强调主语、宾语、状语、表语时都可以用。👍
who: 只能指人,用于强调 主语。🙋
whom: 只能指人,用于强调 宾语。🙋♂️
记住这个小口诀:指人主语用who,指人宾语用whom,其他情况都用that! 💯
1️⃣ 强调否定
原句:I didn’t realize the importance of teamwork until yesterday.
(直到昨天我才意识到团队合作的重要性。)强调句:It was not until yesterday that I realized the importance of teamwork.
这里用 not until… that… 结构来强调时间,表示“直到…才…”。
2️⃣ 强调疑问
原句:When did you finish the project? (你什么时候完成的项目?)
强调句:When was it that you finished the project?
- The heavy rain caused the traffic jam.
- I bought this dress in Paris.
- She loves singing best.
- Li Hua helped me with my English.
请用“It is…that…”改写以下句子
- I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
- I have been studying English in New Oriental School for two years.
- We usually play basketball on the playground of Beijing No.4 High School.
“It was you who ate my cake!” (是你吃了我的蛋糕!) 🎂听英文歌时,你可能会听到这样的歌词:
“It was in that moment that I knew I loved you.”
(就在那一刻,我知道我爱上了你。) ❤️在和外国朋友聊天时, 你可能会用:
“It is the food of Sichuan that is my favorite.”(我最喜欢的是四川的食物)🌶️
1️⃣ 滥用强调句型:不要每个句子都用强调句型,否则会显得啰嗦、不自然。
2️⃣ 连接词错误:注意区分 that, who, whom 的用法,不要混淆。
3️⃣ 时态错误:强调句型中的谓语动词 is/was 要与句子整体的时态保持一致。
4️⃣ 主谓一致:被强调的部分如果是单数,谓语动词用 is;如果是复数或者过去时,谓语动词用 was。
- 基本结构
- 强调对象
- 连接词用法
- 进阶用法
- 生活应用
- 常见错误
希望这篇笔记对你有帮助!💖 记得多加练习,熟能生巧!💪
- It was the heavy rain that caused the traffic jam.
- It was in Paris that I bought this dress.
- It is singing that she loves best.
- It was Li Hua who helped me with my English.
- It is seeing you soon that I am looking forward to.
- It is in New Oriental School that I have been studying English for two years.
- It is on the playground of Beijing No.4 High School that we usually play basketball.