

问答中心分类: 其他every和each的区别
1 回复
﹫以深爱みご 回复于 2025-03-05 之前

🤔️ EveryEach,这两个词真是让人头大!明明都是“每”的意思,用起来却总感觉哪里不对劲?别担心!今天就来彻底扒一扒它们的区别,保证你看完这篇笔记,再也不会用错啦!💯

Part 1: 基础概念大起底 🧐


  • Every: 强调整体性,指的是一个群体中的所有成员,没有例外。 想象一下,你有一袋糖果🍬,every candy 意味着袋子里的每一颗糖果,一颗都不能少!
  • Each: 强调个体性,指的是一个群体中的每一个成员,侧重于分别看待。 还是那袋糖果🍬,each candy 意味着你关注的是每一颗单独的糖果,它们的颜色、形状、口味可能都不一样。


  • Every student in 清华大学 needs to pass the final exam. (清华大学的每个学生都需要通过期末考试 – 强调的是所有学生,无一例外。)
  • Each student in the class received a personalized gift. (班里的每个学生都收到了一份个性化的礼物 – 强调的是每个学生单独收到的礼物,礼物可能各不相同。)

Part 2: 用法大比拼 🥊

光知道概念还不够,实际运用才是王道!下面我们从几个方面来对比一下 everyeach 的用法:

1️⃣ 搭配名词:

  • Every: 后面通常跟单数可数名词
    • Every book on the shelf is interesting. (书架上的每本书都很有趣。)
    • Every dog has its day. (凡人皆有得意日 – 谚语,强调每只狗,引申为每个人。)
  • Each: 后面既可以跟单数可数名词,也可以通过 each of + the/these/those + 复数名词/代词 的结构跟复数名词/代词
    • Each child was given a balloon. (每个孩子都得到了一个气球。)
    • Each of the students in 北京外国语大学 has access to the library. (北京外国语大学的每个学生都可以使用图书馆。)
    • Each of them has their own opinion. (他们每个人都有自己的看法。)

2️⃣ 指代:

  • Every: 通常用 he/she/ithis/her/its 来指代 every + 单数名词
    • Every member of the team did his/her best. (团队的每个成员都尽了最大努力。)
  • Each: 既可以用 he/she/ithis/her/its,也可以用 they/them/their 来指代,具体取决于你想强调单数还是复数概念。现代英语中,为了避免性别歧视,更倾向于用 they/them/their
    • Each student should bring their own lunch. (每个学生都应该带自己的午餐。)

3️⃣ 位置:

  • Every: 通常放在名词前面。
    • I go to the gym every day. (我每天都去健身房。)
  • Each: 既可以放在名词前面,也可以放在动词后面 (通常在 be 动词之后,或助动词和主要动词之间)。
    • Each candidate was interviewed separately. (每个候选人都被单独面试。)
    • The candidates were each interviewed separately. (候选人都被单独面试。)
    • We have each been given a task. (我们每个人都被分配了一个任务。)

4️⃣ 与 all 的区别:
* Every 强调没有例外。
* All 也可以表示所有,但更笼统,可能存在一些隐含的例外情况。

* Every person on Earth needs air to breathe. 每个人都需要空气才能呼吸,毫无例外。
* I’ve read all the Harry Potter books. 我读过所有哈利波特,但是可能漏掉了一些相关的番外。

Part 3: 进阶用法小技巧

掌握了基础用法,再来看看几个进阶小技巧,让你用起 everyeach 更加得心应手!

  1. Almost/nearly every: 可以用 almost everynearly every 来表示“几乎每个”,但不能用 almost eachnearly each

    • Almost every student in 北京师范大学 has a laptop. (北京师范大学几乎每个学生都有一台笔记本电脑。)
  2. Every one: Every one 相当于 everyone,可以用来指人,也可以用来指物。强调的是一个群体中的每一个个体。

    • Every one of the apples is ripe. (每个苹果都熟了。)
    • I invited ten people, and every one of them came. (我邀请了十个人,他们每个人都来了。)
  3. Each and every: Each and every 是一种强调的说法,意思是“每一个,无一例外”,通常用于正式场合或书面语。

    • We must protect each and every child’s right to education. (我们必须保护每个孩子的受教育权。)
  4. Every other: 意思是“每隔一个”。

  5. I go to the library every other day. 我每隔一天去一次图书馆。

  6. Each way: 主要用于赌博, 指的是双向投注.

Part 4: 常见错误雷区 💣


  • 错误: ~~Every students~~ should study hard.

    • 正确: Every student should study hard. (每个学生都应该努力学习。)
  • 错误: ~~Each of the book~~ is interesting.

    • 正确: Each of the books is interesting. (每本书都很有趣。)
  • 错误: ~~Almost each person~~ has a smartphone.

    • 正确: Almost every person has a smartphone. (几乎每个人都有一部智能手机。)

Part 5: 练习时间 📝
最后, 准备了一些小练习, 检查学习成果。

  1. _____ student in 复旦大学 needs to register online.
  2. _____ of the pictures was taken by a professional photographer.
  3. The teacher gave _____ child a piece of candy.
  4. _____ member of the team contributed to the project.
  5. I visit my parents _____ other weekend.

(答案: 1. Every; 2. Each; 3. each; 4. Every/Each; 5. every)

好啦,关于 everyeach 的区别就讲到这里啦!希望这篇笔记能够帮助你彻底搞懂这两个词的用法!🎉 记得多练习,熟能生巧哦!💪



