

问答中心分类: 其他英语作文万能句子大全,轻松提升作文分数!
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奈何桥も 回复于 2024-10-16 之前

## 英语作文万能句子大全,轻松提升作文分数!

姐妹们!兄弟们!还在为英语作文抓耳挠子吗?是不是一想到写作文就头秃? 别慌!今天就来给大家分享一波我压箱底的英语作文万能句子,各种话题都能用,学会了轻松提升作文分数!


一个好的开头就相当于成功了一半! 以下几种开头方式,总有一款适合你:

1. 开门见山,直奔主题

– It is widely acknowledged that…(众所周知……)

– There is no denying that…(不可否认的是……)

– Recently, the issue of … has been brought into focus.(最近,……的问题引起了人们的关注。)

2. 引用名言,提升逼格

– As a famous saying goes, “…”. This quote highlights the importance of…(正如一句名言所说:“……”。这句话强调了……的重要性。)

– “…”, a wise man once said. This statement reveals the profound truth that…(“…”,一位智者曾经说过。这句话揭示了一个深刻的道理,那就是……)

3. 巧设问题,引发思考

– Have you ever thought about…?(你有没有想过……?)

– What would our life be like without…?(如果没有……,我们的生活会是什么样子?)


光开头精彩可不行,论证过程也要逻辑清晰,有理有据! 以下表达助你一臂之力:

1. 举例论证,生动形象

– A case in point is…(一个典型的例子是……)

– Take … for example.(以……为例。)

– For instance, … serves as a compelling example.(例如,……就是一个很有说服力的例子。)

2. 因果分析,层层递进

– Due to…, …(由于……,所以……)

– As a result of…, …(由于……的结果,……)

– … contributes to…(……导致了……)

3. 对比论证,突出观点

– On the one hand,… On the other hand,…(一方面,……;另一方面,……)

– While some people believe that…, others argue that…(虽然有些人认为……,但另一些人则认为……)


结尾要简洁有力,升华主题! 以下几种方式任你选择:

1. 总结全文,重申观点

– In conclusion, …(总之,……)

– To sum up, …(总而言之,……)

– From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that…(从以上讨论中,我们可以得出结论,……)

2. 展望未来,提出建议

– It is essential that we should…(我们应该……,这一点至关重要。)

– Only by…, can we…(只有……,我们才能……)

3. 发人深省,引人共鸣

– This issue deserves our further consideration.(这个问题值得我们进一步思考。)

– It is time for us to take action.(是时候采取行动了。)


– 高级词汇替换:例如用“significant”替换“important”,“utilize”替换“use”等,瞬间提升词汇表达!

– 复杂句式运用:尝试使用并列句、定语从句、状语从句等复杂句式,让你的文章更有层次感!


以“The Importance of Reading” 为题,用上以上技巧,写一篇小短文:

Reading, an indispensable part of our life, plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts and broadening our horizons. Just as Francis Bacon once said, “Reading maketh a full man.” Through reading, we can gain access to a wealth of knowledge and insights from different cultures and times. For instance, classic literature like “Pride and Prejudice” provides us with a glimpse into the social customs and values of 19th century England. Moreover, reading enhances our critical thinking and analytical skills. By exposing ourselves to diverse perspectives and arguments, we learn to analyze information objectively and form our own judgments. In conclusion, reading is an invaluable activity that enriches our lives in countless ways. It is essential that we cultivate a love for reading from a young age and make it an integral part of our daily routines.

怎么样?是不是感觉写英语作文也没那么难了? 记住这些万能句子,多加练习,你也可以写出高分作文!冲鸭!



