✨ Hello 大家好呀! 今天想跟大家分享一下我自己,顺便聊聊怎么写好一篇英文自我介绍,让大家在各种场合都能slay全场!😎
📝 Part 1: 真实的Me, 真实的Story
🙋♀️ 先来个基本信息:
- Name: 李华 (Li Hua) (哈哈,我知道这个名字很常见,但请记住我这张独一无二的脸!😉)
- Age: 18
- Hometown: 北京 (Beijing), China 🇨🇳
- School: 北京大学附属中学 (The High School Affiliated to Peking University)
- Grade: Senior 3 (高三)
🌱 我的小宇宙:
💖 兴趣爱好一大堆:
- Reading 📖:我超爱看书!从科幻小说到经典文学,再到人物传记,我的书架永远满满当当。最近在啃 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind,感觉打开了新世界的大门!
- Music 🎶:我是个不折不扣的音乐迷!喜欢各种类型的音乐,从古典乐到流行乐,再到独立音乐。平时喜欢弹吉他🎸,虽然技术还有待提高,但自娱自乐也很快乐!
- Traveling ✈️:读万卷书,行万里路!我喜欢旅行,喜欢感受不同地方的风土人情。去过日本🇯🇵看樱花🌸,也去过泰国🇹🇭体验泼水节💦,每一次旅行都让我收获满满。
- Photography 📸:我喜欢用镜头记录生活中的美好瞬间。无论是壮丽的风景,还是温馨的日常,我都想把它们定格下来。我的梦想是成为一名摄影师,用照片讲述故事。
- Volunteering ❤️:我经常参加各种志愿活动,比如去敬老院陪伴老人👴👵,去动物收容所照顾流浪猫狗🐱🐶。帮助他人让我感到快乐和满足。
🏆 我的小成就:
- National English Competition for Middle School Students: First Prize 🥇 (全国中学生英语能力竞赛一等奖)
- School Debate Team: Captain 🗣️ (校辩论队队长)
- Student Union: Minister of the Propaganda Department 📣 (学生会宣传部部长)
- “Star of Hope” Scholarship ⭐ (希望之星奖学金)
💪 我的性格特点:
- Outgoing & Friendly 😄:我是一个性格外向、热情友善的女孩,喜欢结交新朋友。
- Hardworking & Determined 💪:我做事认真负责,有毅力,不轻易放弃。
- Creative & Innovative ✨:我喜欢思考,喜欢创新,喜欢尝试新的事物。
- Optimistic & Positive 😊:我是一个乐观积极的人,相信一切都会越来越好。
🎯 我的未来目标:
- University: Peking University (北京大学) or Tsinghua University (清华大学)
- Major: Journalism (新闻学) or Communication (传播学)
- Career: Journalist (记者) or Public Relations Specialist (公关专员)
🚀 我希望能够进入我梦想的大学,学习我喜欢的专业,将来成为一名优秀的记者或公关专员,用我的文字和声音传递正能量,影响更多的人。
📝 Part 2: 英文自我介绍的N种打开方式
1️⃣ The “Elevator Pitch” (电梯演讲式)
“Hi, I’m Li Hua, a senior 3 student at The High School Affiliated to Peking University. I’m passionate about journalism and communication, and I have strong leadership skills, as demonstrated by my role as captain of the school debate team. I’m aiming to study at Peking University or Tsinghua University and pursue a career in journalism.”
Key Points:
- 简洁明了: 只说最重要的信息。
- 突出重点: 强调自己的优势和目标。
- 留下印象: 让对方记住你。
2️⃣ The “Storytelling” Approach (讲故事式)
“When I was a little girl, I was fascinated by the stories my grandmother told me about her life. Those stories sparked my interest in learning about different cultures and perspectives. That’s why I love traveling and meeting new people. One time, when I was volunteering at an animal shelter, I met a stray dog that had been abused. It was heartbreaking, but it also inspired me to work harder to make a difference in the world. That experience solidified my desire to pursue a career where I can use my communication skills to advocate for positive change.”
Key Points:
- 引人入胜: 用故事吸引听众的注意力。
- 展现个性: 通过故事展现自己的价值观和性格。
- 真情实感: 让听众感受到你的真诚。
3️⃣ The “STAR” Method (STAR法则)
- Situation (情境):描述你遇到的情况或挑战。
- Task (任务):说明你的任务或目标。
- Action (行动):详细描述你采取的行动。
- Result (结果):阐述你行动的结果和收获。
Example (假设面试官问你:Tell me about a time you had to overcome a challenge.):
“(Situation) In my junior year, I was elected as the Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union. Our biggest challenge was to organize the annual school art festival, which is a major event for the entire school. (Task) My task was to lead a team of 10 students to plan and execute the entire event, including publicity, logistics, and program coordination. (Action) I started by brainstorming with my team to come up with a creative theme for the festival. We then divided the tasks among ourselves and set clear deadlines. I also communicated regularly with the school administration and teachers to ensure that everything was on track. We faced some unexpected challenges, such as a sudden change in venue, but we worked together to find solutions. (Result) The art festival was a huge success! We received positive feedback from students, teachers, and parents. I learned a lot about leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. It was a challenging but rewarding experience.”
Key Points:
- 结构清晰: 按照STAR的顺序组织你的回答。
- 具体细节: 提供具体的细节,让你的故事更生动。
- 强调结果: 突出你的成就和收获。
4️⃣ The “Themed” Introduction (主题式)
Example (假设你要参加一个关于环境保护的活动):
“Hi everyone, I’m Li Hua, and I’m passionate about protecting our planet. I believe that every small action can make a big difference. I’ve been actively involved in various environmental initiatives, such as organizing recycling drives at my school and participating in tree-planting activities. I’m also a member of the school’s environmental club, where we educate students about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices. I’m excited to be here today to learn more about how we can work together to create a greener future.”
Key Points:
- 紧扣主题: 围绕主题展开介绍。
- 突出相关性: 强调自己与主题相关的经历和兴趣。
- 表达热情: 让听众感受到你对主题的热情。
🌟 一些小Tips:
- Practice makes perfect! 多练习,熟能生巧!
- Be confident! 自信地展示自己!
- Be yourself! 做真实的自己!
- Smile! 微笑是最好的名片!😊
希望这些分享对大家有帮助!祝大家都能写出精彩的英文自我介绍,展现最好的自己!✨ 让我们一起加油!💪